Megan’s Book of Divorce/ Megan’s Two Houses
Illustrated by Freya Tanz
Megan's Two Houses is a "story of adjustment" — about Megan, whose parents are divorced. The divorce wasn't Megan's idea at all, but Megan's the one who has to live with it: two houses, two toy chests, two dogs, and even Mommy's new friend and Daddy's new friend. This is a book for all the savvy kids who have two households and for all the confused grown-ups they take care of. Illustrated by Freya Tanz. (Originally published as Megan's Book of Divorce in 1984, reissued in 1996 as Megan's Two Houses.)
"This is a delightful
storybook about the issues which children of divorce all
face. What comes through to me is that, when parents
place children's needs first, they can mitigate the
disturbing effects on the child of loss of family.
Reading this can help all families."
—T. Berry Brazelton, M.D.
Megan’s Book of Divorce/ Megan’s Two Houses